It’s another Wondrous Wednesday; our blog dedicated to Wondrous Stories! Conceived and directed by our Artistic Director Kevin Finnan, this extraordinary large-scale production will be the opening show of the Birmingham 2022 Festival.
This week we are featuring Sonia Sabri, one of the fabulous Associate Choreographers working with Kevin on Wondrous Stories!
Sonia is the Artistic Director of Sonia Sabri Company. Sonia specialises in Kathak dance, which is a classical dance style from the northern parts of the Indian subcontinent and has an international reputation for presenting Kathak dance in a contemporary context.
Kevin will collaborate with Sonia, along with our other brilliant Associate Choreographer Jamaal Burkmar, to develop the choreography for the show. Sonia will be taking inspiration from Kathak dance as well as Indian folk dance to develop the choreography for one of the key character groups that you will see in the show.
We are so excited to have Sonia working with us on Wondrous Stories. Watch the video below to hear more about Sonia’s style of dance and hear what audiences can look forward to in Wondrous Stories!