Welcome to another Wondrous Wednesday; our blog dedicated to Wondrous Stories! Conceived and directed by our Artistic Director Kevin Finnan, this extraordinary large-scale production will be the opening show of the Birmingham 2022 Festival.
This week we are featuring Jamaal Burkmar, one of the amazing Associate Choreographers working with Kevin on Wondrous Stories!
Jamaal is an award winning choreographer who creates contemporary dance works with his company Extended Play. Kevin will collaborate with Jamaal, along with our other brilliant Associate Choreographer Sonia Sabri, to develop the choreography for the show.
We are so excited to have Jamaal working with us on Wondrous Stories. He refers to himself a ‘mathematical choreographer’, and will be using his method of creating movement to develop the choreography for one of the key character groups that you will see in the show.
Watch the video below to hear more about Jamaal’s style of choreography and how he uses music and maths to create the dancing you will see from his character group in the show!