Road to the Beach was a major participatory performance event developed in partnership with The Works, Creative Partnerships Cornwall and The Extreme Academy. The project was the first time we worked with JCB diggers and brought together a team of visual artists, local dancers and Motionhouse, Kevin directed a participatory process in Cornish schools spanning 9 months, culminating in the performance The Edge on the tidal beach at Watergate Bay.
The Edge drew its audience along the length of the beach, drawing on themes of the sea – from a pirate fleet and Botticelli’s Venus, to giant windmills and sandcastles, from singing sirens on the rocks to the 100 strong ‘sea of boys’ and culminating in Machine Dance, for 4 dancers and 4 JCB diggers.
The Edge was performed by a cast of 700, with school children dancing alongside professionals, to an audience of 2,500.
Performed 25 June 2004, Watergate Bay, Cornwall, UK